Plymovent DraftMax Ultra Downdraft Extraction Table with Automatic Self-Cleaning Filter, 400v 3ph
Product Ref: 7244700000
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The DraftMax Ultra is a workbench that provides extraction and filtration for welding and grinding applications. The DraftMax Ultra features a work grid, a three-stage pre filtration system for optimum spark arresting and two self-cleaning main filter cartridges. Both pre and main filters have pull-out dust drawers underneath.
The filter cleaning system starts automatically each time the fan is switched off (offline cleaning) and also when the pressure drop reaches a certain maximum value during use (online cleaning). The filter cartridges are individually cleaned from the inside by compressed airshots. An integrated buzzer indicates when the filter cartridges need to be replaced. For welding and grinding applications the DraftMax Ultra should be fitted with a backdraft kit for optimum division of the extraction capacity (approximately 80% backdraft, 20% downdraft). Filter exchange and service (except for the membrane valves) can be affected from the front side.